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Monday, July 4, 2011

Why the IITs are NO GOOD for India

IIT long considered to be the beacon of education in India is nothing more than a mirage of brilliance!!!!
How else would you characterize the leading technology university in a country which till date has not yet produced any one groundbreaking technology nor the talent to atleast reverse engineer the products of the west.As school and college dropouts in the United States come out with more innovations here in India most of the so called "intellectuals" doesnt even have the talent to produce a pen.No Indian company has succeeded yet to replicate the German technology in Reynolds pen.Most of these IITians just look for some desk jobs in MNCs overseas with a plush salary. There is hardly any innovation involved in such jobs but they are more keen to have a salary to settle their family and does not seem to have any interest in actually producing something. India needs more technology than any other country in this world. We have 400 Million people living in dire poverty,who needs cost effective technology to reach them. The technology produced by the West is just too costly for most Indians.If India had the capacity to produce airplanes that would result in a huge cost savings in the purchase of military jets and the purchase of airliners by the private airline companies. Just like the Space market where the Indian rocket is ten times cheaper than the same payload rocket of any other country.We would always be produce more cost effective technology than the western world but there is simply no initiative or positive attitude towards any kind of technological innovation in India.We are happy with whatever the west gives us and ready to pay a premium price for it.The PRICE OF OUR INCOMPETENCE.

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